About ISHS

Infinite Synergy Healing Space is home to two healers whose passion for heart-centered healing has brought us together into one beautiful space.  As people, our backgrounds are dramatically different, leading us as healers to complement each other in ways that both surprise and completely inspire us! We challenge each other and ourselves constantly, leading us to offer healing sessions that are unique and cannot be defined by any one method. This generates healing that is both whole and deeply transformative.

We believe in profound and authentic healing. We meet you where you are, listen carefully to what you bring, and the session takes root from there. By listening carefully to your whole system, we are able to promote healing at the root of the issue, making the resolution far more comprehensive than if we were to simply treat the symptom. In this way, we are able to harmonize your whole system, connecting you with a new cycle of growth that can help clarify and strengthen your understanding of your own transformative process.

What we offer you is a unique blend of empowering modalities that, when woven together, engage the system on a whole new level. This translates into global improvements that inspire and enliven the expression of who you are and what you are here to do. It is quite honestly a privilege to be a part of the process.

We feel very strongly that for healing to be truly effective, it must be in partnership with the client. Therefore, our clients can expect to be an integral part of their own healing process, walking the strategies learned in each session out into their lives for further exploration.

We are here to support you on your healing path for as long as you need, but our ultimate goal is to provide you with the tools you need so that, in time, you can take over your own healing process.


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